Company Registration In Aligarh

What is the Private Limited Company?


The Companies Act, 2013 defines a private limited company as a company whose article of association restricts the transferability of shares and prevents the public from subscribing to them. This is a distinct feature that differentiates private limited companies from other types of public companies. This article discusses what a private limited company is, explores the various types of private limited companies and learns how to start one. Section 2 (68) of The Companies Act, 2013 defines a private limited company as a separate entity that is held privately and provides limited liability. In a private limited company, all business profits and liabilities belong to the company itself and stakeholders may not be responsible for debts incurred by the company.


Company Registration in Aligarh city?

Efilingcompany can help you to incorporate a company In Kerala in fewer days possible, according to government processing time and the availability of all the documents. Our experts will help you to reach out you to become Private Limited Company in Kerala. After getting all documents our experts obtain the DSC and the DIN for the proposed director. At the same time a name approval request is made to the MCA. Incorporation documents are drafted according to approved name and the entire partner must sign all documents. After submitted the documents ROC grants the incorporation certificate. The last and final step of company registration in Kerala is when all incorporation certificates is submitted to the MCA for approval. Company registration in Kerala can done in few and easy step with the help of


Documents required for Company Registration in Aligarh city

Private limited company required the following documents to set them into private limited company:

·         Memorandum of association

·         Article of association

·         Certificate of incorporation

·         Other documents

Memorandum of association: A corporate document is a charter of the company that defines the company's relationships with shareholders and its goals. It outlines the purpose of setting up a business, the nature of the business, the objective of the company, and the capital clause.

Article of association: The document explains the internal operating system of the company, including the managing process, duties and responsibilities of each member, dividend policy, shareholder meetings and appointment of directors.

Certificate of incorporation: The ROC is the primary document of authentication of a company, issued by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) after submitting all required documents for registration.

Other documents: Other documents include ID proof, address proof, rental agreement, NOC from property owner, and copy of sale deed for all directors and shareholders of the company.



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